Here we have one of the best games that is going to come out for a long time.
Coming out on the release date, I find it very valuable and I am glad I got my hands on a copy extremely early. I definitely got my moneys worth for this high graphic, long lasting, addictive, original and super sounding games that is going to be released for a long while!
The game is based on the film itself; it has the famous trench run (with a few added obstacles in the way), the battle of hoth and even the strike at the core. The levels as they go become further difficult with extra challenges, for instance when you complete the level you can re-do it to get a medal. In order to get a medal you must complete the level in a certain time limit, a particular amount of lives, the shot accuracy, how much you use the targeting computer, how many friendlies were lost and how many enemies were destroyed. The reason you will need medals is for points and you can get different medals for different points; for instance, on the attack on the death star you get a bronze medal for time-9: 30, enemies-21, accuracy-11%, friendlies lost-1, lives lost-2 and for targeting computer-10%, whereas if you needed a silver you would need to achieve time-7: 11, enemies-52, accuracy-19%, frindlies lost-0 and for targeting computer-40%, and if you thought this sounded difficult wait for the next challenge; the gold, time-6: 05, enemies-91, accuracy-39%, friendlies lost-0, lives lost-0, targeting computer-100%. Now as you can see this gets a great deal harder and it gets a major amount more difficult for much harder levels.
Now I bet your wondering what do I need points for it sounds a bit pointless to me? well the answer to that is simplebonus levels and extra ships of course.
Now I am not a party pooper but I think cheating for this game is a big no-no, it takes all the fun out of the game, the whole plot of it goes straight out of the window along with all the ambition for the medals; because if you cheat for the levels and ships what is the point of the medals, the game is very so quickly which is no fun at all- am I right cmon, you know Im right! But still some people still consist on cheating, and theres no point in trying to stop them, so if you are one of these people go to the cheats section on this site it has a lot of cheats and they all work very well, a bit too well if you ask me though (I had to delete all my saved data off my memory card so I could start a new game without cheating)
By Lewis Roberts